Down time
Sorry it has taken so long to post any more stuff on the blog but, on top of travel (Bergen, Dublin and Thailand after Vienna) I've been moving flat.
I'll post someting shortly related to the Thailand trip but the prospect of the flat move had me stressed for several months before it actually happened. Because of the narrow time window after I came back from my travls, I decided to hare movers to do the whole thing. It helped that the move was within the same building (albeit 8 floors up in a very slow lift) so a week ago exactly I was greeted at 8 in the morning by five heftily built men - mostly Portuguese. From then until when they left at 4 it was fairly hectic as they always seemed to be asking me several questions at once - where to put this bed, that picture, etc. Still, when they left the old apartment was bare, while anything that has to be reassembled or screwed into the wall in my new flat had been taken care of. It took me another day to finish unpacking and rearranging but now I'm comfortably installed and already entertaining a visitor.
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